After April 1st ticket price is $45.
After June 1st tickets will only be available at the door for $60.
The All Night Graduation Celebration (ANGC) provides a SAFE, FUN, chaperoned, alcohol-free, and drug-free event for the Class of 2025 to celebrate together one last time.
DATE: June 4, 2025
LOCATION: Audrey Moore RECenter, 8100 Braddock Road, Annandale, VA 22003
TIME: Registration and check-in opens at 11:00 p.m, with activities from 11:00 p.m. through 5:00 a.m.. Doors close at 12:00 a.m. (Midnight) and no student is allowed to leave prior to 5:00 a.m. unless we alert parents).
Only 2025 Annandale High School Graduates may attend—no exceptions.
If you do NOT want to fill out the form online, ANGC 2025 Ticket Forms are also available online to print and hard copies will be available in the front office of AHS.
Please note that physical tickets will not be issued, names are placed on a master list.
IMPORTANT: By checking the box in the section with the "Parent/Guardian Consent and Acknowledgment of Risk" and "Attendance Rules" form you are SIGNING and AGREEING TO COMPLY with what is contained in those documents. Be sure you, and your parent/guardian if you are under 18, read those documents carefully before checking the box.
Ticket price includes an ANGC t-shirt (must purchase ticket by May 16th to guarantee a t-shirt), activities, and an all-night buffet. No money is needed at the event.
Parents can join the fun by volunteering to help! It takes a lot of volunteers to make this a successful night for our seniors. Please look at the sign-up and find A SHIFT THAT WORKS FOR YOU.
All Night Graduation Celebration Attendance Rules
- Must be a member of Annandale High School Class of 2025. Photo ID required for admittance to party.
- Check-in/Admission to ANGC will be between 10:30 p.m. and midnight. Doors close at 12:00 a.m. and NO ONE will be admitted after that time.
- If you have purchased a ticket to the ANGC and do not attend, parents will be notified.
- All participants will be required to check-in and leave ALL personal belongings, including CELL PHONES, for safekeeping in our secure bag check area that is monitored at all times by parent volunteers.
- No money will be needed—everything is included in the admission price, including all food and beverages.
- Participants may leave the ANGC at any time but will not be allowed to re‐enter the event. Parents will be called prior to student departure to be notified of student’s early departure from event.
- Prize drawings will be held throughout the evening, but the drawing of major prizes will be the last activity. Participants MUST be present to win.
- Anyone suspected of alcohol or drug use will not be admitted to the ANGC. A parent or designated driver will drive them home.
- The ANGC activities will end at 5:00 a.m. and parents are required to pick the student up promptly if student does not already have their own transportation.