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2025 Mulch Madness


Please order mulch online using the form below.


$6.50 per bag DELIVERED (15 BAG MINIMUM & within 5 mile radius of AHS)

$5.50 per bag SELF-PICKUP  (PICKUP BETWEEN 8 a.m.–12 p.m. at AHS)


Bags are 50 lbs, 3 cubic feet each. The mulch is double-shredded hardwood that is a natural dark brown color.


How much should I order?  A typical single-family detached home order is 15+ bags.  


The order deadline is March 15, 2025.


NOTE: In the event that unforeseen circumstances (inclement weather) impact the delivery of mulch, please be sure to indicate your willingness and ability to pick up your mulch at AHS if delivery is not possible. Thank you very much for your support of this sale. If you have any questions or concerns, please send us an email.


Delivery date is Saturday, March 22, 2025. You do not need to be home at the time of delivery. We will deliver and stack your bags of mulch. The mulch bags will be delivered to only one spot either at the curb or driveway of your property. 


Self-pickup date is Saturday, March 22, 2025. Pick up your bags of mulch at AHS (back parking lot near stadium) between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m.


Volunteers needed! We need adult drivers and trucks to help deliver mulch. You do not have to lift/move mulch, just drive it around. SIGN UP HERE

Please provide the best number to reach you on delivery and pick-up day in case we need to contact you about your order.

Would you like to become a member of the AHS PTSA?
 Parent, Guardian or Community Member
This PTSA membership is for parents or guardians of Annandale HS students, and members of the Annandale community.
This PTSA membership is for students.
This PTSA Membership is for faculty and staff.
 Bag of Mulch - DELIVERED
15 bag minimum for delivery. Must be within 5 mile radius of Medford Drive, Annandale more

The mulch bags will be delivered to only one spot either at the curb or driveway of your property.

Alternative Mulch Pick-up

If delivery is not possible and alternative pick-up is necessary, the PTSA will contact you with pick-up details.

 Bag of Mulch - PICKUP
Pickup March 22, 8am–12pm, AHS back parking lot
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation in addition to purchasing mulch. more


This fundraiser is CRITICAL to the success of the Annandale High School All Night Graduation Celebration (ANGC)

and our Senior Scholarships.


The ANGC is an adult-supervised, PTSA organized, independently funded celebration for all graduates of the Class of 2025.  Since the inception of the ANGC event, not even one graduate has been involved in an alcohol/drug-related accident on graduation night.


Questions? Contact Thurraya Kent, Mulch Sale Chair.