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Student Directory

The Student Directory is published each fall and includes contact information for students, PTSA Executive Board and Committees, school leadership, guidance counselors, teachers and staff.



  • $5 with PTSA membership
  • $8 without PTSA membership
  • Access to an app is included with a Student Directory purchase.

Please contact our Directory Coordinator, Robin Hylton, to purchase a current Directory.



There is no better way to reach the parents of Annandale High School students than by advertising in our directory. The directory is an indispensable resource and consulted regularly by Annandale High School families, faculty, and staff. Support Annandale High School and your business at the same time! To advertise in the Student Directory, please use the link below to download the form. Questions about advertising? Please contact Lori, AtoZ Directories at (240)206-6273.

Printable 2016-2017 AHS Student Directory ad form